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Boeing 737 Max Vs 787 Dreamliner

Boeing 737 MAX vs. Boeing 787 Dreamliner: A Comprehensive Comparison

Size and Purpose

Despite being larger than most 737 variants, the 737-MAX is still considered a smaller short-haul plane. In contrast, the 787 Dreamliner is designed for long-haul flights and offers a larger passenger capacity.

Speed and Range

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has a higher cruising speed than the Boeing 737, reaching speeds of up to Mach 0.85, equivalent to 903 km/h. The 787's extended range also allows it to fly longer distances without requiring refueling.

Engine Performance

Engine performance varies between the 737 MAX 9 and the 787 Dreamliner. The 737 MAX 9 has a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of 88,200 kg and a thrust of 11,750 kgf per engine. The 787 Dreamliner has a higher MTOW of 227,930 kg and a thrust of 28,210 kgf per engine.


The differences between the Boeing 737 MAX and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner highlight their different roles in aviation. The 737 MAX excels in short-haul operations, offering efficient and cost-effective transportation for shorter distances. On the other hand, the 787 Dreamliner is designed for long-haul flights, providing passengers with greater comfort and amenities during extended journeys. These aircrafts complement each other in meeting the diverse needs of airlines and offering a wide range of travel options to passengers.
